Bruce County Council Agenda

Council Chambers
County Administration Centre, Walkerton

  • June 20, 2024
  • Motion:

    That the minutes of the June 20, 2024 Council meeting be approved as circulated.

  • Motion:

    That Official Plan Amendment Application C-2024-002 for lands described as Con 23 PT Lot 21 (Amabel) in the Township of South Bruce Peninsula be approved; and

    That staff be authorized to approve Town of South Bruce Peninsula Official Plan Amendment Application L-2024-004 if it is adopted by the Council of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula.

  • Motion:

    That Council authorize the Warden and Clerk to enter into a Rural Economic Development (RED) Fund Contribution Agreement (CA) with His Majesty the King in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Rural Affairs; and

    That Council authorize use of the Economic Development – Departmental Reserve of $29,000 in 2024 as the County Contribution to the project.

  • Motion:

    That the Purchasing Policy be amended to reflect referenced changes; and,

    That By-law 2021-033 be repealed.

  • Motion:

    That the use of funds from the Gordon Henry Amrell Trust to create, design and install murals for six dining rooms, one activity room, one hallway and one ceiling, up to a total maximum amount of $70,000, be approved.

  • Motion:

    That the total number of new annual Social Worker hours be increased to 910 hours for Bruce Lea Haven and Gateway Haven respectively, be approved.

  • Motion:

    That an amendment to the Fees and Charges By-law be introduced to include a Resubmission Application Fee for incomplete planning applications where pre-submission consultation has not occurred; and

    That an update to the Development Charges By-law be prepared in respect of recoverable costs of studies; and

    That this report be circulated to local municipalities for information.

  • Motion:

    That the Transportation and Environmental Services budget be amended to include funding for a used spray patcher truck in the amount up to $75,000 plus HST, to be funded from the Fleet Capital Reserve.

By-law 2024-035
Being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund - Affordable Housing Program - Creation of New Units Reserve Fund

By-law 2024-036
Being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund - Affordable Housing Program - New Home Owners Program Reserve Fund

By-law 2024-037
Being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund - Museum Expansion Reserve Fund

By-law 2024-038
Being a by-law to authorize the Annual Surplus Transfers to Reserves

By-law 2024-039
Being a by-law to regulate Off-Road Vehicles and Snowmobiles on County Roads

By-law 2024-040
Being a by-law to adopt Amendment Number C-2024-002 to the County of Bruce Official Plan

  • Motion:

    That the following by-laws be approved:

    By-law 2024-035
    Being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund - Affordable Housing Program - Creation of New Units Reserve Fund

    By-law 2024-036
    Being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund - Affordable Housing Program - New Home Owners Program Reserve Fund

    By-law 2024-037
    Being a by-law to establish a Reserve Fund - Museum Expansion Reserve Fund

    By-law 2024-038
    Being a by-law to authorize the Annual Surplus Transfers to Reserves

    By-law 2024-039
    Being a by-law to regulate Off-Road Vehicles and Snowmobiles on County Roads

    By-law 2024-040
    Being a by-law to adopt Amendment Number C-2024-002 to the County of Bruce Official Plan

  • By-law 2024-041
  • Motion:

    That the following by-law be approved:

    By-law 2024-041, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the County of Bruce at its meeting held on the 4th day of July, 2024.

  • Motion:

    That the meeting of Bruce County Council adjourn at ________.

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