Planning and Development Committee AgendaThursday, June 17, 2021 9:30 A.m. - 10:30 A.m.Electronic (Remote) Meeting1.Call to Order 2.Roll Call 3.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 4.Public Meetings a.9:30 a.m. - Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-010 – Ioannidis 1.Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-010 Ioannidis.pdf2.GSCA C10 Z60 Ioannidis.pdf3.Draft By-law C10 Ioannidis.pdf4.Decision Sheet C10 Ioannidis.pdf5.Notice of Meeting C10 Ioannidis.pdfb.9:45 a.m. - Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-006 – Big Island Quarry 1.Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-006 Big Island Quarry.pdf2.GSCA re ARA C6 Big Island (1).pdf3.TSBP C6 Z25 Big Island (2).pdf4.Draft By-law C-2021-006 Big Island Quarry.pdf5.Decision of County for Local Official Plan Amendment C-2021-006.pdf6.Notice of Meeting C6 Big Island Quarry.pdfc.10:00 a.m. - Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-003 (Rick Smith Farms) 1.Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-003 (Rick Smith Farms LTD).pdf2.SVCA Z10 C3 B13 Rick Smith Farms (1).pdf3.Source Water C3 B13 Z10 Rick Smith Farms Ltd.pdf4.By-law C3 Rick Smith Farms .pdf5.Decision Sheet C3 Rick Smith Farms.pdf6.Public Meeting Notice C3 Z10 Rick Smith Farms Ltd.pdf5.Delegations 1.GSCA_MUNICIPAL-COUNCIL-PRESENTATION - ACCESSIBLE-FORMAT.pdf2.CAA_Phase 1_Reg. Posting Consultation Guide_FINAL.pdfa.Tim Lanthier, CAO, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority To present recent changes to the Conservation Authorities Act and newly proposed regulations that are currently under review as well as ongoing partnership opportunities between Grey Sauble, Saugeen Valley and Bruce County.6.Action Items a.Proposed Regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act 1.Proposed Regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act.pdfb.Plan the Bruce: Homes Discussion Paper 1.Plan the Bruce - Homes Discussion Paper.pdf2.PTB_Discussion_Homes_Full Discussion Paper June 2021 (1).pdfc.Proposed New Land Use Compatibility Guideline 1.Proposed New Land Use Compatibility Guideline.pdfd.Bruce County Consent B-2020-099 (Pilon) 1.Consent B-2020-099 (Pilon).pdf2.Decision Sheet for Signature B99 Pilon .pdf3.SVCA B99 Pilon.pdf4.Lafond Redacted B99 Pilon.pdf5.Public Notice B99 A79 Pilon.pdf7.Information Items a.Workforce Development & Attraction Strategy Update 1.Workforce Development and Attraction Strategy Update.pdf2.Grey Bruce Virtual Job Fair.pdf3.Grey Bruce Student and Seasonal Virtual Job Fair.pdfb.Starter Company Plus Initiative Grant Recipients 2020 1.Starter Company Plus Initiative Grant Recipients 2020.pdf8.Act on Recommendations That in accordance with the Procedure By-law, staff be authorized and directed to give effect to the actions of the Planning and Development Committee in respect of all resolutions passed during the June 17, 2021 meeting.9.Next Meeting July 15, 202110.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-003 (Rick Smith Farms LTD).pdf2.SVCA Z10 C3 B13 Rick Smith Farms (1).pdf3.Source Water C3 B13 Z10 Rick Smith Farms Ltd.pdf4.By-law C3 Rick Smith Farms .pdf5.Decision Sheet C3 Rick Smith Farms.pdf6.Public Meeting Notice C3 Z10 Rick Smith Farms Ltd.pdf1.Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-006 Big Island Quarry.pdf2.GSCA re ARA C6 Big Island (1).pdf3.TSBP C6 Z25 Big Island (2).pdf4.Draft By-law C-2021-006 Big Island Quarry.pdf5.Decision of County for Local Official Plan Amendment C-2021-006.pdf6.Notice of Meeting C6 Big Island Quarry.pdf1.Bruce County Official Plan Amendment C-2021-010 Ioannidis.pdf2.GSCA C10 Z60 Ioannidis.pdf3.Draft By-law C10 Ioannidis.pdf4.Decision Sheet C10 Ioannidis.pdf5.Notice of Meeting C10 Ioannidis.pdf1.Workforce Development and Attraction Strategy Update.pdf2.Grey Bruce Virtual Job Fair.pdf3.Grey Bruce Student and Seasonal Virtual Job Fair.pdf1.Consent B-2020-099 (Pilon).pdf2.Decision Sheet for Signature B99 Pilon .pdf3.SVCA B99 Pilon.pdf4.Lafond Redacted B99 Pilon.pdf5.Public Notice B99 A79 Pilon.pdf1.Starter Company Plus Initiative Grant Recipients 2020.pdf1.GSCA_MUNICIPAL-COUNCIL-PRESENTATION - ACCESSIBLE-FORMAT.pdf2.CAA_Phase 1_Reg. Posting Consultation Guide_FINAL.pdf1.Proposed New Land Use Compatibility Guideline.pdf1.Proposed Regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act.pdf1.Plan the Bruce - Homes Discussion Paper.pdf2.PTB_Discussion_Homes_Full Discussion Paper June 2021 (1).pdf