Planning and Development Committee AgendaMeeting #:Date:Thursday, January 23, 2020Time: 9:30 A.m. - 10:30 A.m.Location: Council ChambersCounty Administration Centre, Walkerton1.Call to Order 2.Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3.Action Items a.Saugeen Shores Official Plan Amendment 14 – Southampton Golf and Country Club c/o Davidson 1.Saugeen Shores Official Plan Amendment 14 - Southampton Golf and Country Club co Davidson.pdf2.Draft Saugeen Shores Amendment 14.pdf3.Draft County Decision Sheet.pdf4.Draft Saugeen Shores Adoption By-law.pdf5.Agency Comments.pdf6.Public Comments.pdf7.Local Offical Plan Map.pdf8.List of Supporting Information.pdfb.Saugeen Ojibway Nation - Bruce County Partnership Workshop 1.Saugeen Ojibway Nation-Bruce County Partnership Workshop.pdf4.Information Items a.Plan the Bruce Update 1.Plan the Bruce Update.pdfb.2019 Economic Development Annual Report 1.2019 Economic Development Annual Report.pdf2.2019 Economic Development Annual Report(1).pdf3.Bruce County Economic Development Annual Report 2019.pdfc.Bruce Innovates: Foundational Hydrogen Infrastructure Update 1.Bruce Innovates - Foundational Hydrogen Infrastructure Project Update.pdf2.Bruce Innovates - Foundational Hydrogen Infrastructure Project Overview.pdfd.2020 January Communications in the Field 1.2020 January Communications in the Field Report.pdf5.Act on Recommendations That in accordance with the Procedure By-law, staff be authorized and directed to give effect to the actions of the Planning and Development Committee in respect of all resolutions passed during the January 23, 2020 meeting.6.Next Meeting February 20, 20207.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.2019 Economic Development Annual Report.pdf2.2019 Economic Development Annual Report(1).pdf3.Bruce County Economic Development Annual Report 2019.pdf1.2020 January Communications in the Field Report.pdf1.Bruce Innovates - Foundational Hydrogen Infrastructure Project Update.pdf2.Bruce Innovates - Foundational Hydrogen Infrastructure Project Overview.pdf1.Plan the Bruce Update.pdf1.Saugeen Shores Official Plan Amendment 14 - Southampton Golf and Country Club co Davidson.pdf2.Draft Saugeen Shores Amendment 14.pdf3.Draft County Decision Sheet.pdf4.Draft Saugeen Shores Adoption By-law.pdf5.Agency Comments.pdf6.Public Comments.pdf7.Local Offical Plan Map.pdf8.List of Supporting Information.pdf1.Saugeen Ojibway Nation-Bruce County Partnership Workshop.pdf